
Anton Bovier


[161] A. Bovier, L. Hartung, and F. den Hollander. Self-repelling branching random walk. arXiv preprint

[160]  L. A. La Rocca, K. Gerischer,  A. Bovier, and P. M. Krawitz. Recombination enables higher numbers of recessive genes, contributing to the emergence of sexual mating in complex organisms, arXiv  (2024)

[159]  A. Alban,  A. Bovier, A. Gros, and L. Hartung. From 1 to infinity: The log-correction for the maximum of variable-speed branching Brownian motion. arXiv preprint (2024).


[158] Y. Tolkach, F. Kreten, R. Büttner, M. Peifer, Ch. Harder, A. Hillmer, N. Abedpour, and  A. Bovier. Tumour architecture and emergence of strong genetic alterations are bottlenecks for clonal evolution in primary prostate cancer. (2023).


[157]  A. Bovier,  F. den Hollander, S. Marello, E. Pulvirenti, and M. Slowik. Metastability of Glauber dynamics with inhomogeneous coupling disorder.  ALEA 21, 1249–1273 (2024).

[156] A. Bovier and A. Schertzer.  Fluctuation of the free energy in p-spin SK models on two scales.  Probab. Theor. Related Fields online 2024.

[155] A. Bovier and L. Hartung. The speed of invasion in an advancing population.  J. Math. Biol. 87, Paper No. 56, 32 pp. (2023).


[154] A. Bovier, F. den Hollander, and S. Morello. Metastability for Glauber dynamics on the complete graph with coupling disorder.  Commun. Math. Phys. 392, 307--345 (2022)

[153] F. Kreten, R. Büttner, A. Bovier, and Y. Tolkach, Tumour architecture and emergence of strong genetic alterations are bottlenecks for clonal evolution in primary prostate cancer.

[152] A. Bovier and L. Hartung. Branching Brownian motion with self repulsion.  Ann. Henri Poincaré 24 (2023), no. 3, 931–956.


[151] Luis La Rocca, Julia Frank, Heidi Beate Bentzen, Tori Pantel, Konrad Gerischer, Anton Bovier, Peter M. Krawitz. Drop of Prevalence after Population Expansion: A lower prevalence for recessive disorders in a random mating population is a transient phenomenon during and after a growth phase. biorxiv, Amer. Jour. Medical Genetics 

There is a youtube video explaining the results of this paper.


[150] A. Bovier, S. Marello, and E. Pulvirenti. Metastability for the dilute Curie-Weiss model with Glauber dynamics. Electron. J. Probab. 26 (47), 1-38 (2021).

[149] N. Glodde, A. Kraut, D. van den Boorn-Konijnenberg, S. Vadder, F. Kreten, J. Schmid-Burgk, P. Aymans, K. Echelmeyer, M. Rumpf, J. Landsberg, T. Bald, T. Tüting,  A. Bovier, M. Hölzel. Experimental and stochastic models of melanoma T-cell therapy define impact of subclone fitness on selection of antigen loss variants, preprint bioRxiv       

[148] A. Bovier. Stochastic models for adaptive dynamics. Scaling limits and diversity.  In Probabilistic Structures in Evolution, E. Baake and A. Wakolbinger, Eds., pp. 127--149, EMS Series of Congress Reports Vol. 17, European Mathematical Society Publishing House (2021)


[147] A. Kraut and A. Bovier. From adaptive dynamics to adaptive walks. J. Math. Biol. 79. 1699--1747 (2019).

[146] A. Bovier and L. Hartung. From $1$ to $6$: a finer analysis of perturbed branching Brownian motion.   CPAM 73, 1490--1520 (2020)

[145] K. Bashiri and A. Bovier. Gradient flow approach to local mean-field spin systems.  Stochastic Process. Appl. 130, 1461--1514 (2020).

[144] A. Bovier, L. Coquille, and Ch. Smadi. Crossing a fitness valley as a metastable transition in a stochastic population model. Ann. Appl. Probab.  29, 3541--3589 (2019).


[143] A. Bovier, D. Ioffe, and P. Müller. The hydrodynamics limit for local  mean-field dynamics with unbounded spins. J. Stat. Phys. 172,  434-457, 2018.

[142] M. Baar and A. Bovier. The polymorphic evolution sequence for populations with phenotypic plasticity. Electron. J. Probab. 23, no. 72, 1--27, 2018.

[141] A. Bovier, L. Coquille, and R. Neukirch. The recovery of a recessive allele in a Mendelian diploid model. J. Math. Biol. 77, 971--1033 2018


[140] A. Bovier and C. Geldhauser. The scaling limit of a particle system with long-range interaction. Markov Proc. Rel. Fields 23, 515--552 (2017).

[139] A. Bovier. Gaussian processes on trees: From spin glasses to branching Brownian motion. x+200 pp. Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics Vol. 163, Cambridge University Press,  October 2016.


[138] M. Baar, A. Bovier, and N. Champagnat. From individual-based stochastic models to the canonical equation of adaptive dynamics -- in one step. Ann. Appl. Probab. 27, 1093--1170 (2017).

[137] R. Neukirch and A. Bovier. Survival of the recessive allele in the  Mendelian diploid model,  J. Math. Biol.  75, 145--198 (2017).

[136] M. Baar, L. Coquille, H. Mayer, M. Hölzel, M. Rogava, T. Tüting, and A. Bovier. A stochastic model for immunotherapy of cancer.  Scientific Reports 6, 24169 (2016).

[135] A. Bovier and F. den Hollander, Metastability: a potential-theoretic approach, xxi + 581 pp.  Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften,  Vol. 351, Springer, 2015. 


[134] A. Bovier and L. Hartung, Extended convergence of the extremal process of branching Brownian motion, Ann. Appl. Probab. 27, 1756-1777  (2017).

[133] A. Bovier and H. Mayer, A conditional strong large deviation result and an invariance principle for the rate function,  ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Statist. 12, 533--550 (2015).

[132] W. Krebs, S. Schmidt, A. Goren,  D. De Nardo, L. Labzin, A. Bovier, Th.  Ulas,   H. Theis, M. Kraut, E. Latz, M. Beyer, J. Schultze, Optimization of transcription factor binding map accuracy utilizing knockout-mouse models, Nucleic Acids Research,   DOI: 10.1093nar/gku1078

[131] A. Bovier and L. Hartung, Variable speed branching Brownian motion 1. Extremal processes in the weak correlation regime.   ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Statist. 12, 261--291 (2015)

[130] A. Bovier, From spin glasses to branching Brownian motion -- and back?, in Random Walks, Random Fields, and Disordered Systems (Proceedings of the 2013 Prague Summer School on Mathematical Statistical Physics), M. Biskup, J. Cerny, R. Kotecky, Eds., Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2144, Springer, 2015. 


[129] A. Bovier and L. Hartung, The extremal process of two-speed branching Brownian motion, Elect. J. Probab. 19, No. 18, 1-28 (2014)

[128] H. Mayer and A. Bovier, Stochastic modelling of T-cell activation,  J. Math. Bio. 70, 99-132 (2015).

[127] M. Hölzel, A. Bovier, and T. Tüting, Plasticity of tumor and immune cells: a source of heterogeneity and a cause for therapy resistance?, Nature Reviews Cancer 13, 365-376  (2013)

[126] A. Bovier and R. Neukirch,  A note on metastable behaviour in the zero-range process.  In "Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models", M. Griebel, Ed., pp. 69--90,  Springer (2013).


[125] L.-P. Arguin, A. Bovier, and N. Kistler, An ergodic theorem for the extremal process of branching Brownian motion,  Ann. Institut Henri Poincaré: Probab. Statistiques 51, 557--569 (2015).

[124] A. Bovier and S.-D. Wang, Multi-time scales in adaptive dynamics: a microscopic interpretation of a trait-substitution tree model,

[123] A. Bovier, S.-D. Wang, Trait substitution trees on two time scales analysis,   Markov Proc. Rel. Fields 19, 607-642 (2013).

[122] A. Bovier, V. Gayrard, and A. Svejda, Convergence to extremal processes in random environments and applications to extremal ageing in SK models,  Prob. Theor. Rel. Fields 157, 251--283 (2013).

[121] L.-P. Arguin, A. Bovier, and N.Kistler, An ergodic theorem for the frontier of branching Brownian motion,  Elect. J. Probab. 18, No. 53,  1-25 (2013)


[120] L.-P. Arguin, A. Bovier, and N. Kistler, The extremal process of branching Brownian motion, Probab. Theor. Rel. Fields 157, 535-574  (2013).


[119] L.-P. Arguin, A. Bovier, and N. Kistler, Poissonian statistics in the extremal process of branching Brownian motion, Ann. Appl. Probab. 22, 1693--1711 (2012)

[118] A. Bovier, Metastability: from mean field models to spdes, in Probability in Complex Physical Systems. In honour of the birthdays of Jürgen Gärtner and Erwin Bolthausen, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, Vol. 11, pp.443--462, Springer (2011)

[117] L.-P. Arguin, A. Bovier, and N.Kistler, The genealogy of extremal particles of branching Brownian motion, CPAM, 64, 1647--1676 (2011)

[116] A. Bovier and V. Gayrard, Convergence of clock processes and ageing in the p-spin SK model, Ann. Probab. 41, 417--447 (2013)


[115] A. Boutet de Monvel and A. Bovier (Eds.) Spin Glasses: Statics and Dynamics. Summer School Paris, 2007. Birkhauser, Basel-Boston-Berlin, 2009

[114] A. Bovier and I. Kurkova, A short course on mean field spin glasses. In: A. Boutet de Monvel and A. Bovier (Eds.) Spin Glasses: Statics and Dynamics. Summer School Paris, 2007. Birkhauser, Basel-Boston-Berlin, 2009

[113] G. Basile and A. Bovier, Convergence of a kinetic equation to fractional diffusion equation, Markov Proc. Rel. Fields 16, 15--44 (2010)

[112] A. Bianchi, A. Bovier, and D. Ioffe, Pointwise estimates and exponential laws in metastable systems via coupling methods,   Ann. Probab. 40, 339--371 (2012)

[111] F. Barret, A. Bovier, and S. Meleard, Uniform estimates for metastable transitions in a coupled bistable system,   Electr. J. Probab. 15, 323--345 (2010)

[110] A. Bovier, Metastability,  in Methods of Contemporary Statistical Mechanics, R. Kotecky, Ed., LNM 1970, Springer, 2009


[109] A. Bianchi, A. Bovier, and D. Ioffe, Sharp asymptotics for metastability in the Random Field Curie-Weiss model, EJP 14 , 1541-1603

[108] A. Bovier, F. den Hollander, and C. Spitoni, Homogeneous nucleation for Glauber and Kawasaki dynamics in large volumes and low temperature. Ann. Probab. 38, 661--713 (2010)

[107] A. Bovier and A. Klimovsky, Fluctuations of the partition function in the GREM with external field J. Math. Phys. 49, 120252

[106] A. Bovier and A. Klimovsky The Aizenman-Sims-Starr and Guerra's schemes for the SK model with multi-dimensional spins,  EJP 14, 161-241 (2009)


[105] G. Ben Arous, A. Bovier, and J. Cerny, Universality of the REM=like ageing in mean field spin glasses, E. J. Stat. Mech.: Theor.Exp. L04003.

[104] G. Ben Arous, A. Bovier, and J. Cerny, Universality of the REM in dynamics of mean field spin glasses, Commun. Math. Phys. 282, 663-695 (2008).


[103] E. Bolthausen and A. Bovier (Eds.), Spin glasses. Lecture Notes In Mathematics 1900, 176pp, Springer

[102] A. Bovier, F. Dunlop, A.C.D. van Enter, F. den Hollander, and J. Dalibard (Eds.), Mathematical Statistical Mechanics. Proceedings of the 83rd Les Houches Summer School, July 2005, 848pp, Elsevier Publishers

[101] A. Bovier and J. Cerny, Hydrodynamic limit for the A+B-> 0 model Markov Proc. Rel. Fields 13, 543--564.

[100] A. Bovier and I.Kurkova, Local statistics of energy levels in spin glasses, J. Statist. Phys. 126, 933-949 (2007). ,

[99] A. Bovier Metastability: a potential theoretic approach,  in Proceedings of the ICM 2006, Madrid, pp. 499--518, European Mathematical Society.

[98] A. Bovier and A. Faggionato Spectral analysis of Sinai's walk for small eigenvalues , Ann. Probab. 36, 198--254 (2008).


[97] A. Bovier, Statistical mechanics of disordered system. A mathematical perspective. Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics 18, CambridgeUniversity Press, 2006.

[96] A. Bovier, I. Kurkova, Energy statistics in disordered systems: beyond the REM conjecture, Acta Physica Polonica B 36, 2621--2634 (2005) [proceedings of Applications of random matrices in economics and other complex systems,Krakow, 2005.

[95] A. Bovier, I.Kurkova, A tomography of the GREM: beyond the REM conjecture , Commun. Math. Phys. 263, 535--552 (2006).

[94] A. Bovier, I.Kurkova, Local energy statistics in disordered systems: a proof of the local REM conjecture, Commun. Math. Phys. 263, 513--533 (2006).


[93] A. Bovier, I.Kurkova, Much ado about Derrida's GREM , in "Spin glasses", E. Bolthausen and A. Bovier (eds.), L ecture Notes in Mathematics 1900, Springer.

[92] A. Bovier, I. Kurkova,Poisson convergence in the restricted k-partitioning problem, Random Structures and Algorithms 30, 505--531 2007.

[91] A. Bovier, I.Kurkova, Extremal processes and number partitioning

[90] A. Bovier, A. Faggionato, Spectral characterisation of ageing: the REM-like trap model, Ann. Appl. Probab. 15, 1997--2037

[89] A. Bovier, F. den Hollander, F. Nardi. Sharp asymptotics for Kawasaki dynamics on a finite box with open boundary conditions, Probab. Theor. Rel. Fields. 135, 265--310 (2006).

[88] A. Bovier, J. Cerny, O. Hryniv. The opinion game: stock price evolution from microscopic market modelling, Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance 9, 91--111, (2006)

[87] A. Bovier, Ch. Kulske. Coarse graining techniques for (random) Kac models., in Interacting Stochastic Systems, J.-D. Deuschel and A. Greven eds., Spinger, 2005.

[86] A. Bovier. "Mean field spin glasses and neural networks", in Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics. J.-P. Francoise, G. Naber, T.-S. Tsun, Eds., Elsevier, (2006).


[85] E. Baake, M. Baake, A. Bovier, and M. Klein. "An asymptotic maximum principle for essentially linear evolution models". J. Math. Biology, 50, 83--114 (2005).

[84] A. Bovier and I. Kurkova. "Gibbs measures of Derrida's generalized random energy models and the genealogy of Neveu's continuous state branchng process".

[83] A. Bovier, I. Merola, E. Presutti, M. Zahradnik, "On the Gibbs phase rule in the Pirogov-Sinai regime". J. Statist. Phys. 114, 1235--1267 (2004).

[82] A. Bovier, "Metastability and ageing in stochastic dynamics". in: A. Maas,S. Martinez, J. San Martin, Eds., Dynamics and Randomness II, Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems 10, Kluwer Acad. Publishers (2004).

[81] A. Bovier, V. Gayrard, M. Klein. "Metastability in reversible diffusion processes. 2. Precise estimates for small eigenvalues", J. Eur. Math. Soc. 7, 69--99 (2005).

[80] A. Bovier, M. Eckhoff, V. Gayrard M. Klein, "Metastability in reversible diffusion processes 1. Sharp estimates for capacities and exit times", J. Eur. Math. Soc. 6, 399--424 (2004).


[79] A. Bovier, I. Kurkova. "Rigorous results on some simple spin glass models", Markov Proc. Rel. Fields 9, 209-242 (2003).

[78] A. Bovier, I. Kurkova. "Derrida's generalized random energy models. 2. Models with continuous hierarchies". Ann. Inst. H. Poincare. Prob. et Statistiques (B) Prob. Stat. 40, 481-495 (2004).

[77] A. Bovier, I. Kurkova. "Derrida's generalized random energy models. 1. Models with finitely many hierarchies". Ann. Inst. H. Poincare. Prob. et Statistiques (B) Prob. Stat. 40, 439-480 (2004).

This paper was merged upon a referee's request from the two manuscripts below: A. Bovier, I. Kurkova. "Derrida's generalized random energy models. 1. Poisson cascades and extremal processes". preprint 727, U. Paris 6, 2002. A. Bovier, I. Kurkova. "Derrrida's generalized random energy models. 2. Gibbs measures and probability cascades". preprint 728, UParis 6, 2002


[76] G. Ben Arous, A. Bovier, V. Gayrard. "Aging in the random energy model", Phys. Rev Letts. 88, 87201 (2002).

[75] G. Ben Arous, A. Bovier, V. Gayrard. "Glauber dynamics of the random energy model. 2. Aging below the critical temperature", Commun. Math. Phys. 236, 1-54  (2003)

[74] G. Ben Arous, A. Bovier, V. Gayrard. "Glauber dynamics of the random energy model. 1. Metastable motion on the extreme states", Commun. Math. Phys. 235, 379-425 (2003)

[73] A. Bovier, B. Niederhauser. "The spin-glass phase-transition in the Hopfield model with p-spin interactions", Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 5, 1001-1046 (2001).

[72] A. Bovier, M. Zahradnik, "Cluster expansions and Pirogov--Sinai theory for long range spin systems", Markov Proc. Rel. Fields 8, 443-478 (2002).

[71] A. Bovier, F. Manzo, "Metastability in Glauber dynamics in the low temperature limit: Beyond exponential asymptotics". J. Statist. Phys. 107, 757-779 (2002).


[70] A. Bovier, "Statistical mechanics of disordered systems", MaPhySto Lecture Notes, 192pp.

[69] A. Bovier, M. Eckhoff, V. Gayrard, M. Klein, "Metastability and small eigenvalues in Markov chains", J. Phys. A 33, L447-L451 (2000).

[68] A. Bovier, M. Eckhoff, V. Gayrard, M. Klein, "Metastability and low lying spectra in reversible Markov chains", Commun. Math. Phys. 228, 219-255 (2002)

[67] A. Bovier, I. Kurkova, M. Löwe, "Fluctuations of the free energy in the REM and the p-spin SK model", Ann. Probab. 30, 605-651 (2002)


[66] A. Bovier, M. Zahradnik, "A simple inductive approach to the problem of convergence of cluster expansions of polymer models", J. Stat. Phys. 100, 765-778 (2000).

[65] A. Bovier, D. Mason: ``Extreme value behaviour in the Hopfield model'', Ann. Appl. Probab. 11, 91-120 (2001).

[64] A. Bovier, V. Gayrard: ``Sample path large deviations for Markov processes related to disordered mean field models'', WIAS-preprint 487, (1999).

[63] A. Bovier, M. Eckhoff, V. Gayrard und M. Klein: ``Metastability in stochastic dynamics of disordered mean-field models'', Probab. Theor. Rel. Fields 119, 99-161 (2001).


[62] A. Bovier and V. Gayrard: "Metastates in the Hopfield model in the replica symmetric regime", Math. Phys. Anal. Geom . 1, 107-144 (1998).

[61] A. Bovier, A.C.D. van Enter and B. Niederhauser: ``Stochastic symmetry-breaking in a Gaussian Hopfield-model'', J. Stat. Phys. 95, 181-213 (1999).

[60] A. Bovier: ``Fluctuations of the free energy in the Kac-version of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model at high temperatures'', ``Workshop on probability theory and its applications'', Eds. M. Löwe und P. Eichelsberger (Bielefeld, 1998).

[59] A. Bovier: ``Sharp upper bounds on perfect retrieval in the Hopfield model'', J. Appl. Probab. 36, 941-950 (1999).

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[57] A. Bovier, V. Gayrard: ``Statistical mechanics of neural networks: The Hopfield model and the Kac-Hopfield model'', Markov Proc. Rel. Fields 3, 392-422 (1997).

[56] A. Bovier: ``Comment on `Capacity of the Hopfield model' '', J. Phys. A 30, 7993-7996 (1997).

[55] A. Bovier: ``The Kac version of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model at high temperatures'', J. Stat. Phys. 91, 459-474 (1998).

[53] A. Bovier, V. Gayrard and P. Picco: ``Typical profiles of the Kac-Hopfield model'', in ``Mathematical aspects of spin glasses and neural networks'', A. Bovier and P. Picco (eds.), Progress in Probability 41, 187-242 (Birkhäuser, Boston 1998).

[52] A. Bovier, V. Gayrard: ``An almost sure central limit theorem for the Hopfield model'', Markov Proc. Rel. Fields 3, 151-173 (1997).

[51] A. Bovier, V. Gayrard: ``Hopfield models as generalized random mean field models'', in ``Mathematical aspects of spin glasses and neural networks'', A. Bovier and P. Picco (eds.), Progress in Probability 41, 1-89 (Birkhäuser, Boston 1998)

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[47] A. Bovier, V. Gayrard: ``The retrieval phase of the Hopfield model: A rigorous analysis of the overlap distribution'', Probab. Theor. Rel. Fields 107, 61-98 (1996).


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[42] ``Self-averaging in a class of generalized Hopfield models'', J. Phys. A 27, 7069-7077 (1994).

[41] A. Bovier, V. Gayrard and P. Picco: ``Gibbs states of the Hopfield model with extensively many patterns'', J. Stat. Phys. 79, 395-414 (1995).

[40] A. Bovier, V. Gayrard and P. Picco: ``Large deviation principles for the Hopfield and the Kac-Hopfield model'', Probab. Theory Rel. Fields 101, 511-546 (1995).

[39] A. Bovier, J.-M. Ghez: ``Remarks on the spectral properties of tight-binding and Kronig-Penney models with substitution sequences'', J. Phys. A 28, 2313-2324 (1995).

[38] A. Bovier, V. Gayrard: ``Rigorous results on the Hopfield model of neural networks'', Resenhas do IME-USP 1, 161-173 (1994).

[37] A. Bovier, V. Gayrard and P. Picco: ``Gibbs states of the Hopfield model in the regime of perfect memory'', Probab. Theory Rel. Fields 100, 329-363 (1994).

[36] A. Bovier, Ch. Külske: ``A rigorous renormalization group method for interfaces in random media'', Rev. Math. Phys. 6, 413-496 (1994).


[35] A. Bovier, V. Gayrard: ``Rigorous results on the thermodynamics of the dilute Hopfield model'', J. Stat. Phys. 72, 79-112 (1993).

[34] A. Bovier, V. Gayrard: ``Lower bounds on the memory capacity of the Hopfield model on random graphs'', in ``Cellular Automata and Cooperative Systems'', N. Boccara, E. Goles, S. Martinez, P. Picco, (eds), Kluwer, New York 1993.

[33] A. Bovier, J.-M. Ghez: ``Schrödinger operators with substitution potentials '', in ``Cellular Automata and Cooperative Systems'', N. Boccara, E. Goles, S. Martinez, P. Picco, (eds), Kluwer, New York 1993.

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