- with C. Brennecke, On the Replica Symmetry of a Variant of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Spin Glass. (2024)
- with L. Pillaud-Vivien, Stochastic Differential Equations models for Least-Squares Stochastic Gradient Descent. (2024)
- with C. Brennecke, C. Van Dam, Spin Covariance Fluctuations in the SK Model at High Temperature, Electronic Communications in Probability 2025, Vol. 30, paper no. 9, 1-14.
- with S. Gufler and Marius A. Schmidt, AMP algorithms and Stein's method: Understanding TAP equations with a new method, Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol. 30, paper no. 14, 1-39 (2025).
- with C. Brennecke, C. Xu, H.-T. Yau, The Two Point Function of the SK Model without External Field at High Temperature. Prob. Math. Phys. 5, No. 1 (2024).
- with S. Gufler and Marius A. Schmidt, On concavity of TAP free energy in the SK model. Stoch. Proc. Appl. , Volume 164, Pages 160-182 (2023)
- with A. Bovier, Fluctuations of the free energy in p-spin SK models on two scales Probab. Theory Relat. Fields (2024).
- with N. Kistler, Undirected polymers in random environment: path properties in the mean field limit, ALEA, Vol. XIX, 1547-1628 (2022).
- with N. Kistler and M. Schmidt, Oriented first passage percolation in the mean field limit, 2. The extremal process. Ann. Appl. Prob., Vol. 30 no.2, 788-811 (2020)
- with N. Kistler and M. Schmidt, Oriented first passage percolation in the mean field limit, Brazilian Jour. Prob. Stat., Vol 34 no. 2, 414-425 (2020)
- with G. Kersting, N. Kistler and M. Schmidt, From Parisi to Boltzmann. In Statistical Mechanics of Classical and Disordered Systems, Springer PROMS 293 (2019)
- with E. Herrmann et al., Impact of socioeconomic factors on the incidence of urothelial cell carcinoma in Germany. Journal of Clinical Oncology (2015).