University of Bonn Institute for Applied Mathematics


Intense Activity Period

Metric Measure Spaces and Ricci Curvature

Date: September 4 - 29, 2017
Location: Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn
Karl-Theodor Sturm

The program will feature 4 weeks of intense activity on metric measure spaces, Ricci
curvature, and related topics including heat kernels, Ricci flow, optimal transport,
geometric PDEs, stochastic calculus, path and loop spaces, Riemannian geometry,
discrete models. Each week will have 2 lecture series and 5-6 invited talks by leading
experts as well as room for contributed talks.

Invited speakers (* = to be confirmed) for respective weeks

(1)  S. Aida, M. Gordina, A. Grigor'yan, A. Lytchak, S. Ohta
(2)  T. Colding*, X.D. Li, G. Savaré, T. Shioya, A. Vershik
(3) C. Bär, A. Mondino, M. Simon, B. Wilking
(4) F. Cavalletti, A. Guillin, K. Kuwada, J. Maas, E. Milman

Lecture series

(1) L. Ambrosio, F.Y. Wang(2) R. Haslhofer,  A. Thalmaier
(3) R. Bamler, P. Topping(4) E. Carlen, N. Gigli

Schedule for all weeks

We aim to attract participants with broad interest to foster the interaction between
different communities. Participation is free and possible for the whole period or parts of it. Registration is requested, please use the registration form.

Svenja Beljaars, Dr. Matthias Erbar

Poster with information on the Intese Activity Period can be dowloaded here


Slides of Talks/Lecture Series:

Lecture Series by Eric Carlen:

Gradient flow and functional inequalities for quantum Markov semigroups I, II, III


Financial support by MPIM Bonn, HCM, and ERC Advanced Grant "Metric measure spaces and Ricci curvature - analytic, geometric, and probabilistic challenges"