European Research Council Advanced Grant
within the Horizon 2020 Programme Metric measure spaces and Ricci curvature – analytic, geometric and probabilistic challenges |
For the period 2016 – 2022 an ERC Advanced Grant is awarded to Prof. Karl-Theodor Sturm for his research on “Metric measure spaces and Ricci curvature – analytic, geometric, and probabilistic challenges”, see for details. The research project comprises a broad range of topics including
- metric geometry, geometric functional inequalities
- synthetic Ricci bounds
- Ricci flow
- stochastic calculus on manifolds, path and loop spaces
- Dirichlet forms, heat kernels
- gradient flows, analysis on metric measure spaces.
The main goals will be to analyze time-dependent metric measure spaces and (super-) Ricci flows, to study metric measure spaces with measure valued Ricci bounds and Ricci tensors, and to further develop the stochastic calculus on metric measure spaces with synthetic Ricci bounds.
Within this project at the University of Bonn (Germany) various positions for
Lecturers, Postdocs, and PhD students
are to be filled within the next years, the first of them starting September 2016 or asap. We offer Postdoc positions (on the German salary scale E13) for 3 years coming partly with, partly without teaching duties. The teaching will be in English. The positions for PhD students will be for 3 years (with 75% of E13) and without teaching. A lecturer position (“Professurvertretung”) on the salary scale W2 coming with the regular teaching load of 9h/week will be available for 1-3 years.
All team members also will become members of the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics and will benefit from the outstanding infrastructure as well as from the broad research activities within this cluster of excellence.
There will be several openings. The next deadline for application will be
June 15, 2018.
Applications should include
- cover letter, specifying the type of position and the intended period of employment
- CV
- publication list
- research plan
- 2 letters of recommendation.
Only complete applications will be considered. They have to be submitted online to
If you have any questions, please contact
Birgit Bonn (, Tel. +49 228 73 4875) or
Dr. Matthias Erbar (, +49 228 73 4870).