Priv.-Doz. Dr. Eva Kopfer
Institut für Angewandte Mathematik
Abt. Stochastische Analysis
Endenicher Allee 60
D-53115 Bonn
Tel: | +49 228 73 4879 |
Room: | 3.034 |
E-mail: | eva.kopfer(at) |
- V4F1 Stochastic Analysis (SS 25)
- S4B1 Seminar: Ricci flows and Singularities (WS 24/25)
- S2F1 Seminar: Finanzmathematik (WS 24/25)
- S4F2 Seminar: Analysis and Geometry of Markov Diffusion operators (SS 24)
- Lecture Series: Frontiers in Economics and Mathematics (WS 23/24)
- MB03 Stochastk (WS 23/24)
- V2F2 Einführung in die Statistik (SS 23)
- V2B1 Analysis 3 (WS 22/23) Assistenz
- S2B1 Hauptseminar: Analysis auf Graphen (WS 22/23)
- S2F2 Graduate Seminar: Stochastic Analysis on Manifolds (WS 22/23)
- V1G2 Analysis 2 (SS 22) Assistenz
- V1G1 Analysis I (WS 21/22) Assistenz
- V2F2 Einführung in die Statistik (SS 21)
- MB03 Stochastik (WS 20/21)
- S1G1 Seminar: Markovketten und stochastische Algorithmen (SS 20)
- S4F2 Graduate Seminar in Stochastic Analysis: Optimal Transport and Geometric Analysis (WS 19/20)
- Log-Sobolev Inequality for Decoupled and McKean-Vlasov SDEs and Application on Exponential Ergodicity. X. Huang, E. Kopfer and P. Ren. preprint, 2025
- Stochastic homogenization of dynamical discrete optimal transport. P. Gladbach and E. Kopfer. preprint, 2024
Published Papers
- Polyharmonic Fields and Liouville Quantum Gravity Measures on Tori of Arbitrary Dimension: from Discrete to Continuous. L. Dello Schiavo, R. Herry, E. Kopfer and K.-T. Sturm. Math. Nachrichten, 2024
- Conformally invariant random fields, quantum Liouville measures, and random Paneitz operators on Riemannian manifolds of even dimension. L. Dello Schiavo, L. Herry, E. Kopfer and K.-T. Sturm. J. London Math. Soc., 2024
- A Discovery Tour in Random Riemannian Geometry. L. Dello Schiavo, E. Kopfer. K.-T. Sturm. Potential Anal., 2024
- Optimal transport and generalized Ricci flow E. Kopfer and J. Streets, SIGMA 20, 2024.
- Bochner formulas, functional inequalities and generalized Ricci flow. E. Kopfer and J. Streets. J. Funct. Anal., 2023
- Differential Harnack Inequalities on Path Space. R. Haslhofer, E. Kopfer, and A. Naber. Adv. Math., 2022
- Limits of density-constrained optimal transport. P. Gladbach and E. Kopfer. Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ., 2022
- Homogenisation of dynamical optimal transport on periodic graphs. P. Gladbach, E. Kopfer, J. Maas and L. Portinale. Calc. Var. Partial Diff., 2021
- Scaling limits of discrete optimal transport. P. Gladbach, E. Kopfer, and J. Maas. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2020
- Super Ricci flows for weighted graphs. M. Erbar and E. Kopfer. Journal of Functional Analysis, 2020.
- Functional inequalities for the heat flow on time-dependent metric measure spaces. E. Kopfer and K.-T. Sturm. Journal of the London Math. Soc., 2019
- Homogenisation of one-dimensional discrete optimal transport. P. Gladbach, E. Kopfer, J. Maas, and L. Portinale. Journal de Math. Pur. et Appl., 2019
- Super-Ricci flows and improved gradient and transport estimates. E. Kopfer. Probab. Theory Relat. Fields, 2019
- Gradient flow for the Boltzmann entropy and Cheeger's energy on time-dependent metric measure spaces. E. Kopfer. Calc. Var. Partial Diff., 2018
- Heat Flows on Time-dependent Metric Measure Spaces and Super-Ricci Flows. E. Kopfer and K.-T. Sturm. Comm. Pur. Appl. Math., 2018