
2nd Winter School on "New Trends in Stochastic and Geometric Analysis" in Regen, 2012

The Stochastic Analysis Group at Bonn University invites to participate in the second Winter School on "New Trends in Stochastic and Geometric Analysis". The aim of the school is again to give young researchers the possibility to present and discuss recent developements, to exchange ideas and to form new research collaborations. 

We expect that each of the participants will give a short overview of his current research with a strong emphasis on work in progress, outlines of future work, open problems, annoying obstacles, conjectures, ideas etc.
This presentation should be limited to 25-30 min. Then after each talk,  there will be a time slot of up to 15 min for public discussions, questions etc.
And after each block of 3 talks, there will be another time slot of about 45 min for discussion in 3 groups, with one of the speakers in each. Here joint attempts to solve problems or to develop strategies for it could be discussed. Of course, nobody will be forced to participate.

For the presentations there will be no blackboard and no big screen. There will be a small screen for beamer presentations and a flip chart with papers to write on.

You will find a (preliminary) program here.